Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stop Cheating your Muscles!

Continually, at the gym I see the same mistake come about day in and day out. For every additional 10 pounds or so a guy throws on the barbell, he restrain his range of motion. Full range of motion gives us full potential for building strength so why the need for the heavy load that alters our motion? Could it possibly be the inherent trait that actually lifting more weight gives us guys the sense we’re becoming stronger? Well, our full range of motion is frequently overlooked and it must be recognized. What sense gives us the idea to place additional weight on the bar when we’re not ready for the challenge? Failing to see the importance is full range of motion can cause weak spots in your muscles that predispose you to muscle strains (which are muscle tears) and other skeletal muscle injuries. The best approach is to use a complete range of motion, even if it means lifting a lighter load. It may be awkward since your friends will be looking on, but take notice. If you feel similar stress during a lighter load, you’re probably working your muscles in the range of motion they’re weakest in. eliminating these weak spots will transform your body in a new way.