Sunday, February 21, 2010

MSG, the Secret Ingredient

Have you ever speculated about what an excitotoxin is? (Probably not since many companies prefer you know nothing about them… until now). To define it succinctly, excittoxins are toxic compounds that are known to interfere with brain chemistry and have been the explanation for many neurological and hormonal disturbances. So, how would you feel if you were to learn the food industry hides and disguises excitotoxin additives in your food products so they can’t be recognized? Hopefully you’d be infuriated. One with recognized coverage in the health community is Monosodium Sodium Glutamate (commonly known as MSG). Since its introduction into the American food market almost fifty years ago, MSG is multiplying in usage inside foods we’re tempted to eat everyday: prepackaged meals, soups, snacks, and fast foods. And, not until now, are their effects been known; as a result, we’re paying for it.

MSG is considered a flavor enhancer which was first discovered by Japanese cooks to make food taste better. On its own, MSG doesn’t have much taste, but when added to products like soups and snacks, it can enhance flavor up to eight times its original taste. This emerges as an innovated substance, until its excitotoxin properties were revealed. And evidently, it has been linked to our massive obesity crisis.

Findings show people who eat a considerable amount of products containing MSG are more likely to be overweight. MSG has the capability of interfering with brain’s neurons stimulating appetite so in essence, MSG should be avoided at all cost.

The alarming matter about MSG is that it has been regarded safe by the governing FDA, thus manufacturer can use it as much as they like. Even more upsetting is how these manufacturers use it to their advantage. It’s reported that the principle reason MSG is added to food is to make people eat more of it. Its addictive property can be comparable to cigarettes element, nicotine and manufactures know this. Without any limits on how much can be added to food, people will eat more of if than they would if it wasn’t present. Children are the most at risk so it’s important to be knowledgeable upon this subject.

And we wonder why the nation's overweight?

Any food product to which contains MSG must be included in the ingredient list, but don’t be fooled. Although most products are labeled as having “NO MSG”, food manufacturers are persistently searching inventive techniques to disguise it. Some companies even went as low as making alternative flavor enhancers. Below is a list of hidden sources of MSG.

• Monosodium Glutamate
• Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
• Hydrolyzed Protein
• Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
 • Plant Protein Extract
• Sodium Caseinate
• Calcium Caseinate
• Yeast Extract
• Textured Protein (Including TVP)
• Autolyzed Yeast
• Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
• Corn Oil
• Malt Extract
• Malt Flavoring
• Bouillon
• Broth
• Stock
• Flavoring
• Natural Flavors/Flavoring
• Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring
• Seasoning
• Spices
• Carrageenan
• Enzymes

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