Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Poison We Eat & Don’t Know

Are you ever astonished by your unfledged ability to pronounce the ingredients on the back of our packaged goods that you consume daily? If you’re like most of the nation, pronunciation of these chemicals is demanding, but it still doesn’t inquire us to question their influence to our health. Well, what we can make certain of is the food industry’s are eradicating real ingredients from food and substituting it with artificial substances. The artificial substances we coin chemical additives, are now a significant part of our diet. But I argue, are they necessary? Interestingly, there is more than 40 different rationales for additives with more and more being added to our daily menu .Though its importance is to enhance flavor, improve texture, preserve food, and add flavor, unless you’re eating unprocessed foods it’s fundamentally impossible to identify what you’re ingesting.

In the past, major concern with most additives is the possibility that they could cause cancer. Luckily, with support from the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) any additive that has been shown to cause cancer in animals or humans at any dose is prohibited. The process is mandatory but just the episode of this previously occurring stirs unease for me. With their prevalence being universal in practically all packaged foods, I guess I have a motive to be concerned. The FDA has included 3,000 ingredients on the FDA safe list. To go through this process the FDA enacted that for any additive to earn approval, it must improve the quality of the food without possessing any hazards to health. Since large amounts of these chemicals may essentially be unhealthful, it is important for everyone to be aware of what they are consuming.

*For further information please visit: Food Additives

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