Friday, February 12, 2010

Headphones Cause Hearing Loss

One habit we seem to always disregard is the volume of music we listen to through headphones. We’re inclined to turn up the music up a higher volume over time and permitting our ears to become accustom to it. We develop such a dependence, we eventually max out the volume setting. The brain loves consistency, but unfortunately, both good and bad kind. Research suggests it’s possible to adapt louder sounds and at the same time ,be acclimated to it. I bring up this topic because blasting your favorite tunes for prolonged instances will cause permanent hearing damage. Distinct from every other function in your body, your body has no defense mechanism for exceedingly loud noises. The product of loud noise eventually die off the cells in your inner ear due to the stress placed upon. The fewer the cells, the harder it is to hear. Some may suffer tinnitus which is the constant ringing in the ear.

The best way to break this habit is by retraining your brain on how to perceive lower volume levels as normal. By forcing yourself to listen to music at a lower level, you brain will recognize it as normal after about a week.

1 comment:

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