Sunday, December 23, 2012

How Inflammation Affects Hunger

We do not feel hungry just because we need food. We rather act on stimuli from our body. When we are faced with too much stresses, our bodies obviously must react. One course of action is inflammation. It can hamper our quality of life if it is not based on legitimate causes. These reactions reduce the capability of our bodies in fighting disease-causing agents. The hypothalamus is a gland located in the brain. It manages our hunger reactions. Inflammation can manipulate the functioning of this gland, to induce the feeling of hunger. This means that we eat more and therefore become overweight.

Improper eating patterns and overindulging in food can trigger such a reaction. Our bodies are built so as to function within certain parameters. When the balance is disturbed, this can be damaging to certain faculties, or to our overall health. If surplus food is pumped into our system, inflammation occurs. The later disturbs the body’s balance by causing more counter-reactions within other weight controlling mechanisms. A false signal is sent to the mind with the message that much fat needs to be stocked up. Acting on this, the mind then sends another indicator to the responsible areas to start storing fats.

The reaction of the body is that it creates a hungry feeling and at the same time tremendously reducing the determination to engage in physical activity. This results in a gain in weight. Eventually, this becomes a vicious circle and obesity is inevitable. Some food types are also known to result to inflammation. Such foods simply fool the body’s mechanisms which know when we are satisfied. Once this is done, consumers of these foods find themselves yearn for more and more. This overindulgence breeds inflammation again and the cycle continues.

Looking for strategies of controlling the stresses and strains of modern day living is essential in curbing the inflammation reactions. Behavior change, among some therapeutic practices has been shown to curb inflammation. These practices include hypnosis, acupuncture and meditation.

There are many strategies of dealing with weight problems. Many people have tried all manner of exercise and dieting. Some have even gone to an extreme of using pills, herbal remedies and even crude ways of attaining a leaner body. But the problem is never solved because the root cause is never addressed. Even with the least amount of food being consumed per day, the body will not cease to keep huge stock-piles of food in terms of fats for as long as it is receiving stimuli to do so. The bottom line is that the signal does not have to be genuine. The body must function as per instructions.

With all things concerned, it is clear that our bodies are influenced much by inflammation. Before we can achieve anything, we have to deal with the menace that is fooling our body systems. If one is overweight, curbing inflammation with help them greatly for they will get a reflex when they are full, and the body will stop stocking unnecessarily.

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