Sunday, December 23, 2012

Raspberry Ketone Debate

Raspberry ketone is a compound that is existent in the raspberries. Recent studies have revealed that the compound can help one reduce weight but the study also suggests that for maximum effect, the compound should be taken in combination with a disciplined exercise regimen and a balanced diet. Therefore you might need to watch all these three factors in combination if you want the ketone compound to work most effectively for you. The compound forms one of the most effective natural means of losing weight safely and naturally. How does this compound work and how can it help one in losing weight naturally?
The compound, the primary compound in raspberries, helps the body regulate the protein adiponectin. This protein is the one that is responsible for the regulation of the body’s metabolic processes. Taking the compound helps speed up the metabolic processes in the body and hence utilization of the glucose in the body and therefore forcing the body to seek additional energy by activating the fat reserves that are responsible for the excess weight and the obesity condition. So what are the right amounts of ketone does one need to take in for the best results?
The ideal quantity of ketone needed by the body to affect the whole weight loss process is 100mg per day. The consumption of this compound should be monitored closely and taken before each meal for the best results. The compound, however, has to be extracted from the raspberries and consuming raw raspberries is not possible to achieve the weight gain alone. You would need to take about ninety pounds of raspberries for the 100mg quantity to be obtained from the raw raspberries! A hell of a job don’t you think? If you are able to achieve the feat at all!
The ketone compound is the compound responsible for the aroma that is associated with the red raspberries. It has been referred to as a ‘miracle cure in a bottle’ by Dr. Oz in his TV show. Since being identified as viable and natural means of reducing one’s weight, the product is selling like crazy; it is leaving the shelves faster than groceries are! In any case, the ketones are a proven means of safe and natural means of weight reduction and it does not promise what it can’t deliver and this should explain all the hype regarding the ketone compound.
Are there side-effects associated with the use of this compound in losing weight? So far none have been documented yet and therefore the green light is on for those interested in trying this method of losing weight. If you can afford it why not try it? Since no side-effects are known then there is nothing to lose but everything to gain. Therefore for the candidates of the ketone compound cure, after purchasing it, it is advisable to devise a good exercise regimen and observe your diet well for maximum benefits from the raspberry ketone compound.

Benefits of Fish Oil

In modern day living, we are constantly faced with dangerous diseases. Nonetheless, fish oil can promote better health. The advantages of taking fish oil are many and diverse, making it one of the most nutritious provisions that one should take to facilitate healthy living.

Perhaps the most important ingredient of fish oil is the Omega-3 fatty acids. It has been observed that these work with the Omega-6 in our bodies to help curb dangerous levels of inflammation. The later, if not controlled, can lead to dire consequences. Secondly, fish oil also restrains high blood pressure.

Pregnant mothers need ultimate care. When taking the right amount of the oils, expectant mothers not only help themselves but also the unborn baby. They help avoid pre-mature labor and delivery, issues that are bound to bring untold distress. Babies of mothers who took fish oil during pregnancy have the advantage of lower levels of general food allergies and skin infections especially in the first year. In addition, such babies will have accelerated development of brain and retinal tissue. The latter is known to aid better vision configuration.

When people are aging, they are likely to suffer numerous body malfunctions due to the fact that most of their systems are worn out. Replenishing vital nutrients is very welcome. It has been observed that fish oil may fight dementias and various eye problems. Vision is especially important to old people if maintained in good condition because it makes life easier after many other faculties, like walking, have failed. Still, fish oil might elevate levels of concentration to people of all ages.

The health of the mind is of paramount importance. When depression sets in, the sufferer may suffer a hampered state of life. Being a progressive condition, it should be dealt with as early as possible or prevented altogether. Fish oil battles depression, even in its most severe forms. For example, extreme depression may lead to suicide, making its avoidance imperative. It has also been unraveled that fish oil might deter anxiety and schizophrenia, problems which seriously affect the quality of life.

Cancer is probably one of the stiffest challenges to modern day medicine. Finding a proper cure has become a moving target. Furthermore, some are curable if detected early enough. Still, curing any form of cancer, at whatever stage, is filled with difficulties. However, fish oil is known to hinder various cancers to a great extent. These include breast, prostate and colon. The bottom line is that these cancers are very common.

All doctors agree that the prevention of diseases is yields more and better results than treatment. This is because prevention is often easy and convenient. Although avoiding diseases comes at a cost, it seldom poses any danger to the body. Secondly, preventive measures will not involve hospital stays or days off work. That is why any strategy that hampers disease should be embraced. For people who can not get fish oil in its pure form, it can as well be found in supplements. These are tablets, capsules or liquid. Buying from reputable sources is important. Fish oil without doubt will be part of the human diet for many years.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is beneficial to the body. However, it should not be taken to the extreme. This is where intermittent fasting comes in. The advantages of fasting can not be underestimated, despite the fact that fasting can be painful and boring if not carried out in an informed manner.

Ever since man started to exist, all manner of regimens have been devised in order to reduce pain and suffering but also to prolong life. Fasting has been known to have numerous benefits. Much food is good for development, but detrimental in becoming old. Nonetheless, it has been out of reach to many because of the complexity associated with going without food. Intermittent fasting has now been shown to have the benefits with the hustle lessened to a great extent. Once the body is set to it, it easily adapts easily.

What matters is to feed properly and not to each too much. Eating less food leads to a longer life. But the amount of daily ration recommended by some fasting campaigners is simply not enough. Although it will still ensure a long life, it will be a life of agony. Many who have adopted such diet restricting strategies do not show any good results at all. They seem emaciated and desperate, devoid of life. But with irregularly skipping meals for hours or days, you will only lose fat and still be relatively healthy and happy. What’s more, you gain muscle.

Intermittent fasting may be done on alternate days, or after several days. That is, you can have a restricted diet on one day (up to 600 calories) and eat all you want on the next. Or, you can have a low diet for one or two days per week. Apparently, when the body is staved, it concentrates less on building but on repairing.

Perhaps the most important organs in the body are the heart and mind. Intermittent fasting perks up cardiovascular activity as well as assisting ensure brain health. This means that practitioners have lower stress levels. They also look and feel in good physical shape. In addition, they have amplified mental precision. Furthermore, they also have improved levels of glucose and cholesterol. This implies that chances of getting cancer or diabetes are greatly reduced.

Fasting can also be done during exercise. Starved training leads to enhanced mobility. Contrary to popular belief, intermittent fasting will not hamper performance. Studies in Muslims on Ramadan have proven that rather than adversely affecting energy levels, it aids in allowing the body to desist from using glucose and burning fat instead. This way, those that are overweight gain much. Still, bodily activity is upheld even in the fasting days.

Ageing related illnesses are what deter many people from realizing their full lives. With intermittent fasting, recycling of waste matter is facilitated. This in turn hampers the onset and progression of these diseases. All this implies that you can indulge in your delicacies and still enjoy a full, fulfilling life. Intermittent fasting is surely the way to go for anyone who minds about their health.

How Inflammation Affects Hunger

We do not feel hungry just because we need food. We rather act on stimuli from our body. When we are faced with too much stresses, our bodies obviously must react. One course of action is inflammation. It can hamper our quality of life if it is not based on legitimate causes. These reactions reduce the capability of our bodies in fighting disease-causing agents. The hypothalamus is a gland located in the brain. It manages our hunger reactions. Inflammation can manipulate the functioning of this gland, to induce the feeling of hunger. This means that we eat more and therefore become overweight.

Improper eating patterns and overindulging in food can trigger such a reaction. Our bodies are built so as to function within certain parameters. When the balance is disturbed, this can be damaging to certain faculties, or to our overall health. If surplus food is pumped into our system, inflammation occurs. The later disturbs the body’s balance by causing more counter-reactions within other weight controlling mechanisms. A false signal is sent to the mind with the message that much fat needs to be stocked up. Acting on this, the mind then sends another indicator to the responsible areas to start storing fats.

The reaction of the body is that it creates a hungry feeling and at the same time tremendously reducing the determination to engage in physical activity. This results in a gain in weight. Eventually, this becomes a vicious circle and obesity is inevitable. Some food types are also known to result to inflammation. Such foods simply fool the body’s mechanisms which know when we are satisfied. Once this is done, consumers of these foods find themselves yearn for more and more. This overindulgence breeds inflammation again and the cycle continues.

Looking for strategies of controlling the stresses and strains of modern day living is essential in curbing the inflammation reactions. Behavior change, among some therapeutic practices has been shown to curb inflammation. These practices include hypnosis, acupuncture and meditation.

There are many strategies of dealing with weight problems. Many people have tried all manner of exercise and dieting. Some have even gone to an extreme of using pills, herbal remedies and even crude ways of attaining a leaner body. But the problem is never solved because the root cause is never addressed. Even with the least amount of food being consumed per day, the body will not cease to keep huge stock-piles of food in terms of fats for as long as it is receiving stimuli to do so. The bottom line is that the signal does not have to be genuine. The body must function as per instructions.

With all things concerned, it is clear that our bodies are influenced much by inflammation. Before we can achieve anything, we have to deal with the menace that is fooling our body systems. If one is overweight, curbing inflammation with help them greatly for they will get a reflex when they are full, and the body will stop stocking unnecessarily.

Low Thyroid and Depression

Low thyroid and depression are two conditions that have wrecked havoc to the lives of numerous people. If the signs are sighted and proper diagnosis made early enough, the situation can be remedied with few or no obstacles.

The thyroid gland is positioned in the front area of the neck and below the voice box. It secretes two vitally important hormones called thyroid hormones. These are responsible for setting the body’s metabolism. That is, they set the pace of virtually all processes in the body. Low thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, occurs when the gland is not producing sufficient levels of these hormones. The consequences are that the patient’s body systems are slowed. Symptoms include; tiredness, constipation, slowed speech, weight gain, general body weakness, depression and misery. These may lead to a poor quality of life even amidst all the good things of life.

Depression is a widespread condition which can affect practically everyone, even kids. It is characterized by feelings of melancholy, despair and frustration among others. All people feel depressed at one time or another, though it mostly happens for short periods of time. Clinical depression is considered if such feelings persist for a few weeks or more. In its more advanced stages, the sufferer becomes more agitated, seeing things only from a negative perspective. If left unchecked, it can progress to induce feelings of guilt or the thought of death. Suicide might be as a result of depression.

Depression has many causes. Some may not be biological but rather physical. Perhaps the most common cause of depression among the physical ones is loss. This may be the loss of a loved one, a job, property or amputation. Other illnesses may also trigger depression. Whatever the cause of the condition, there are two major causes of action that may be used to tackle it. One is fighting the condition itself and its symptoms and the other is getting to the root cause. The symptomatic approach usually yields faster results. However, this treatment is not bound to have a lasting effect. If the main cause is isolated and gotten rid of, depression will fade away, though at a slow speed. The solution must involve both approaches.

In the case of depression that is set off by hypothyroidism, treating the latter condition should be given the first priority. The draw back is that for depression to cease, the patient will have to recover from the low thyroid, whatever time it may take, and then wait for depression to grow fainter until diminished. This can be an excruciatingly long wait because low thyroid takes time to treat. Such a patient will lose much in terms of time and happiness. That is why doctors will prefer treating the depression as well. This type of approach mostly involves anti-depressants and counseling.

Hypothyroidism and depression are both serious and progressive conditions, meaning that they continue advancing further if proper diagnosis and treatment thereof are not executed. Knowing the symptoms is vital, but listening to your body and mind is the first and most important cause of action.

Meat Eating and Human Evoluation

There seems to be a connection between meat eating and human evolution. Man started eating meat about 2.5 million years ago. Even though there are many debates, it seems to be clear that meat eating and human evolution have developed together.

During the age of the cave dweller, humans did not consume meat. All evidence demonstrates that people were not configured to be carnivores, but father herbivores. What triggered an omnivorous diet may have been a number of reasons. One, there might have been a famine in human dwellings. It has been seen that such a catastrophe is capable of wiping away all forms of vegetative foods to the extent that grains, fruits or other plant parts are either unavailable, or inedible. If this were the case, the humans of that time may have started by eating small rodents before this later became a trend.

Secondly, the primitive people could have scavenged for dead animals in their quest to supplement their diets. In a civilized society, putting together a balanced meal from plants is easy. However, this could not be possible to a cave dweller. It is likely that these inhabitants started to crave for meat, probably from dead animals, because their bodies were deficient in some nutrients. Unknown to them, this was bound to bring satisfaction and therefore a pattern was formed. This could have evolved to later instill hunting skills.

Historians say that in ancient Egypt, some people could fall seriously sick by consuming cow’s milk. But, humans seem to have adapted to this liquid for milk allergy has been fading over the years. The same case applies to dogs. Created as pure carnivores, it is evident that these animals can now be bred comfortably with table leftovers alone. This goes to show that humans might have adapted to eating meat. But the question remains as to what the implications of this change are.

Some studies have suggested that meat, red meat, is poisonous to man. Although this has been disputed by some, the scare is still noticeable. Some argue that there needs to be a comprehensive study putting into consideration grass-fed versus finished meat. Before conclusive evidence is established concerning the safety of eating meat, a thorough analysis of the impact it has on the human population should be carried out. Towards this end, one may say that it could have been detrimental to the populations through the years. Another might say that the law of natural selection may have deployed its forces to eliminate those who would have been the weakest as far as meat toxins are concerned.

Whatever the case, annalists seem to agree that there might be a link between meat eating and brain size. If this be the case, other transformations that have occurred to the human body and intellect might also be associated to eating animal protein. Prior to confirming these assumptions, people will continue to consume what they feel most delicious and nourishing to them. And whether or not meat is good, it seems that human evolution and meat eating will continue to grow together as they have over the years.

Friday, December 7, 2012

New Site

Make sure you check out Inspire Fitness