Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The United States is no longer alone in being a “fat” country. During the last decade, the rise in obesity and diabetes rates have been enlisted with malnutrition and infectious diseases as major problems threatening the developing world. Remarkably, we’re witnessing entire cultures move away from their customary diets of raw fruits and vegetable to be exchanged with heavily processed packaged and fast food products.

Today, more than 1.7 billon adults worldwide are overweight, while 312 million of them are obese. Just by adding the 155 million children worldwide who are overweight the immensity of the problem is clear. Consider these reports by World Health Organization (WHO) international obesity task force.

• It’s project that by 2030, number of diabetes cases worldwide will reach 366 million

• In the last 20 years, rates of obesity have tripled in westernized developing countries.

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